$CRS Token

Cyrus Token Distribution Table

The campaign rewards comprise 45% of the CRS tokens, totaling 1,350,000,000 tokens within the ecosystem. Workout rewards are distributed from the ecosystem by transferring tokens to the platform wallet. The token supply reduction is structured such that when the number of active bikes ranges from 10,000 to 19,999, the supply decreases, and from 20,000 bikes onwards, the token supply decreases by 50%, resulting in a reward of 3 CRS for a 2-hour workout.

The campaign rewards comprise 45% of the CRS tokens, totaling 1,350,000,000 tokens within the ecosystem. Workout rewards are distributed from the ecosystem by transferring tokens to the platform wallet. The token supply reduction is structured such that when the number of active bikes ranges from 10,000 to 19,999, the supply decreases, and from 20,000 bikes onwards, the token supply decreases by 50%, resulting in a reward of 3 CRS for a 2-hour workout.

The supply is maintained for bike counts between 20,000 and 29,999. Once the number of bikes reaches 30,000, the token supply is further reduced by 25%, resulting in a reward of 2 CRS for a 2-hour workout. If 10,000 bikes simultaneously engage in 2 hours of exercise and are rewarded with 6 CRS each, there would be a daily distribution of 60,000 CRS. Thus, even if 10,000 bikes are used by families of four for 2 hours of exercise to earn CRS, the token supply can be sustained for approximately 15 years, based on the 1,350,000,000 CRS available in the ecosystem.

Example Token Revenue Distribution Table

Last updated