πŸ’‘Business Parner Model

1. Our Neighborhood Power Plant

The Cyrus project is preparing a pilot project aimed at becoming an actual power generation model in energy-poor countries. A pilot project that can be pursued in collaboration with South Korean municipalities and policy initiatives is planned to be promoted under the name "Our Neighborhood Power Plant" in private apartment complexes. Through this initiative, local residents can generate electricity through exercise, store it in residential energy storage systems (ESS), and use it as needed.

Additionally, the Cyrus project plans to design and expand this model into urban areas. This approach aims to encourage greater user participation, promoting electricity generation and energy savings in both local communities and urban settings.

Through such pilot projects, the Cyrus project seeks to enhance individual health and environmental protection while also aiming to strengthen community energy independence and generate economic benefits. By leveraging various technologies and partnerships, the project will fulfill the criteria of a sustainable ecosystem and ESG management, ensuring that more users can participate in this sustainable system.

2. Smart City EMS

The Cyrus project is planning a system that can be integrated into B2E Smart City projects. This system will incorporate Energy Management Systems (EMS) to manage buildings and cities. The aim of this system is the management of the electricity generated by the users through the EMS and its utilization through V2G technology. The goal is to have an infrastructure that can be used for the payment of maintenance fees and in various locations such as commercial buildings and apartments.

By utilizing electricity generated at home through a smart grid system, this system enables efficient use of energy. The goal is to create an infrastructure that can be used in various environments such as commercial spaces and apartments. This will facilitate point management and maintenance fee management.

The goal is to develop Cyrus products that can be integrated into smart city projects. V2G protocols are being researched to integrate the system. The goal is to integrate this system into future city and building management systems by establishing a system that effectively manages Cyrus points and maintenance fees in various commercial and residential environments.

As the sustainable smart city infrastructure of the future is developed, Cyrus intends to contribute through the development of products that meet the standards of energy management platforms through various technologies and partnerships, and the development of new standards. This is critical to the future of smart city and building management technology standards.

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